Energy, especially Electrical Energy drives the wheels of the Nation. It is imperative to have adequate supplies of available electricity to fuel the meteoric growth necessary for a developing nation like India . Hydroelectric energy is the cleanest and with one of the lowest operating costs amongst the various options for energy generation.

As fossil fuel energy becomes scarcer, India will face significant energy shortages due to increasing energy prices and energy insecurity within the next few decades. In addition to this continued reliance on fossil fuel, consumption will contribute to accelerating the rates of domestic environmental quality and global warming. Hydro Electricity offers one of the safest solutions to power the growth as well as the best solutions to alleviate green house gases contributing to global warming.

As good as Hydro Electricity is, it pales in comparison to Emerging Energies' Hydrokinetic electric generation units. The essential advantages are:

  • Lower capital costs per MW of electricity generation
  • Simplicity of design with minimal equipment effecting lower maintenance costs
  • No impoundment of water, thereby eliminating affect on aquaculture
  • Slow moving open rotor design that facilitates safe movement of fish
  • Extremely low gestation period of 3 months as opposed to 3 plus years for conventional Hydro electricity generation systems

The market potential for Hydro Electricity generation is huge as identified by the Ministry of Power and more particularly Central Electricity Authority. This is still a tip of the iceberg when we account for the potential with Emerging Energies' Hydro Kinetic units.

At Emerging Energies we invite Investor interests at the following address:

Deepak Singh, CEO

Email: DSingh@EcoEmergingEnergies.com


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